2024 Special Olympics Coach Training
On Sunday, February 25, at Bluffton High School we held the first of three training sessions primarily designed for Special Olympics school program volunteer coaches. The session was well-attended and we were fortunate to have Tom Ruth from Long Cove, and Kathy Cramer from SOAR Special Recreation working with us. The agenda and a couple of summary documents for coaches to review are provided hat the links below. After the second session (same agenda, at Bluffton High School on March 3rd at 2 PM), we will post some video excerpts from the sessions. One more training session is planned at the Dataw Club. Thanks to all who attended!
Session Agenda
Coaching Goals, Standards, and Expectations
Meaningful Learning (Hope you find this thought-provoking)
Follow Up — Lesson Plans for the Special Olympics Schools Spring Program sessions will be distributed prior to thee start of these programs in March.
Initial Training Sessions, Foundation for All Coaches
Feeding and Basics for SO Tennis Coaches VIDEO
Elements of Successful SO Group Coaching OUTLINE
A few more Coaching Tips VIDEO
SO Group Coaching OUTLINE
Training Session Regarding Special Coordination, Communication, and Focus Challenges
This training session aimed to help coaches re-think how we work with athletes with special challenges.
SO Training Excerpts: Addressing Special Challenges VIDEO
Outline from this session
Summary Comment: Many coaches may be wondering, with good reason, how it’s possible in a group clinic to address the individual needs and progress path of athletes with particular challenges, at the same time as we follow a methodical group agenda which is designed to cover tennis fundamentals. It’s not easy for sure, and there are no simple answers. However, if we see the weekly agenda as “thematic”, we can always find creative ways to align individual and group activities. Tapping the ball, however lightly, is part of a ‘forehand’ or ‘backhand’ stroke … taking one step toward a target is part of ‘footwork’ … swinging arms or racquet above head level or throwing a ball is/are part of a ‘serve’, etc. At some level, themes involving swing technique, footwork technique, athletic skills, and teamwork skills can be broken down to a level at which all athletes can see themselves as included participants. Sports and inclusion together inspire achievement!
Special Olympics Tennis in the Classroom Series
- Video 1:
- Video
- Teacher Guide
- Topics: Is this tennis? Basic strokes and their names. The Slams in Professional Tennis.
- Video 2:
- Video
- Teacher Guide
- Topics: What is a tennis court? How to play a tennis game?
- Video 3:
- Video
- Teacher Guide
- Topics: Keeping score in tennis. Practicing. Special Olympics tennis goals.
- Video 4:
- Video
- Teacher Guide
- Topics: Serving to start a point. Scoring and “tennis math”. Sportsmanship.
ITN Assessment Process Training
This video is for coaches who assess(rate) Special Olympics athletes using the relatively new ITN standard. It is also useful to coaches more generally to get a sense for how the skills we teach are rewarded in the rating process as athletes progress toward competition.